Supporting each other

If you would like our church family to be praying for you or you know of someone else who would welcome prayer we should love to add the name to the Prayer Square.  As the name will be public you MUST have the person’s permission but the circumstances remain confidential.  To add a name contact Chris Headlong 01844 290694 or 07811 713522.

If you  yourself are anxious or would just like to talk one to one with someone call our prayer line. They will be happy just to listen or to pray with you. Do keep us informed of difficulties and struggles – and the good things too!. We can give thanks for those!!

In the event of sudden illness or an emergency we can set off a prayer alert sent immediately to a prayer group again in confidence.

For any  prayer requests contact any of the following:

· Jenny 01844 290990

· Loraine 07810 184919

· Sally 07780 928583

· Chris 01844 290694/07811 713522