Rector moves on

Our Rector Revd Margot Hodson and her husband Martin left the Benefice at the end of June.They have moved to the Shill Valley and Broadshire Benefice, where Margot is a half-time Associate Minister. Alongside this post she will be taking up the part-time (self-supporting) role of Theology and Education Director for the John Ray Initiative (JRI). There is more information about their move on their blog HERE.

This means that our parish and benefice is in interregnum. Margot and Martin will be praying for us for the vacancy period and for the appointment of a new rector for the benefice.

 We enjoyed a lovely Benefice Leaving Party for the Hodsons at the end of June, with entertaining contributions from many members of congregations across the Benefice. M & M Goodbye

Our love and prayers are with Margot and Martin in their new ministry.